The Jolly Mon is a delightful children's book that was co-written by Jimmy Buffett and Savannah Jane Buffett in 1988. The story follows the adventures of the Jolly Mon, a young fisherman with a golden voice and a magic guitar. Set in the Caribbean, the Jolly Mon embarks on a journey filled with danger and excitement. Along the way, he encounters the feared pirate One Eyed Rosie and her gang, who seek to possess his enchanted instrument. During his journey, he also meets his beloved friend, a dolphin named Albion who aids him on his journey. The Jolly Mon Book - Purchase on Amazon
The Jolly Mon Recording
In a unique and enchanting twist, when the "Jolly Mon" was originally released it was also recorded as an audiobook, narrated by Jimmy Buffett and Savannah Jane Buffett themselves. Accompanied by the captivating music of Michael Utley (Piano/keyboard), Robert Greenidge (Steel pan), and Ira Ingber (Guitar) the recording brings the story to life with vibrant melodies and lively rhythms. The combination of the Buffetts' storytelling talents and the musicians' instrumental prowess creates a magical listening experience that transports children and adults alike to the sun-soaked shores of Bannanaland and the Caribbean where the Jolly Mon's journey unfolds.